ZINCALUME® 48 Steelclad 762
This product is available on backorder in South East NSW only. Please enquire before ordering.
A roofing sheet in a contemporary, zinc-aluminium alloy coating. This advanced, silver-coloured finish at a slightly stronger 0.48BMT* is suitable for applications that require extra structural integrity . SteelClad is similar to the popular 5-ribbed Trimdek or Monoclad product, and is cut at 762mm coverage. Originally designed as a wall-cladding profile, architects in the 80’s saw its potential as a roofing product. Made from high tensile steel, this lightweight cladding material is engineered to provide the highest rigidity possible, while using the least material. Manufactured locally using quality COLORBOND® or ZINCALUME® steel, SteelClad is strong and long lasting. This profile is suitable for roofing and walling, and will stand up to the sunburnt country. Available in 2 thicknesses; 0.42, 0.48.